The Miniseries Rolodex
Have you ever wanted to fix your TV show cravings, but didn’t want to invest too much time ? Well, this is the place for you! On this show, we are talking about the best miniseries (and all the other ones too) from all the major streaming platforms... The Rolodex is here so you can know what to expect , without revealing too much, so you can still enjoy watching the show… Everything to make your life easier: ‘Cause ain’t nobody got time for 8 seasons!
The Miniseries Rolodex
Ep. 16 | Keep Sweet (Pray & Obey) : What happens When a Man is Considered “The Voice of God”
Alain Dias
Season 1
Episode 16
What happened when you’ve been conditioned to follow one man since you were born? All your life you’ve been told to “Follow the Prophet” : but is that person really worth following ? How can a man can call himself “The voice of God”?