The Miniseries Rolodex
Have you ever wanted to fix your TV show cravings, but didn’t want to invest too much time ? Well, this is the place for you! On this show, we are talking about the best miniseries (and all the other ones too) from all the major streaming platforms... The Rolodex is here so you can know what to expect , without revealing too much, so you can still enjoy watching the show… Everything to make your life easier: ‘Cause ain’t nobody got time for 8 seasons!
18 episodes
Ep. 17 | The Billion Dollar Code : Capitalism is The Root of All Evil…
On the final episode of this season, we talk about a show that gives you an understanding of what it means to prepare for a fight against Goliath when you are David.
Season 1
Episode 17

Ep. 16 | Keep Sweet (Pray & Obey) : What happens When a Man is Considered “The Voice of God”
What happened when you’ve been conditioned to follow one man since you were born? All your life you’ve been told to “Follow the Prophet” : but is that person really worth following ? How can a man can call himself “The voice of God”? ...
Season 1
Episode 16

Ep. 15 | Living With Yourself : Accountability & Self-Worth
Are you living in harmony with yourself? It seems that nowadays , self-worth is something that a lot of us struggle with. What is the key to finally have a good relationship with ourselves: Accountability? Nah, cloning is better.
Season 1
Episode 15

Ep. 14 | Love, Death + Robots : Humanity is Trash
Since the discovery of electricity, we have considered every new technological advancement as a huge step for humanity. But it seems that the more technology we get, the less human we become...
Season 1
Episode 14

Ep. 13 | Too Hot to Handle S3 : It’s Okay to Watch Reality TV
We all know that Reality TV is probably not the best thing that happened to humanity. But life is hard… And when you are having a bad day, “Trash TV” will always be there for you…
Season 1
Episode 13

Ep. 12 | Anatomy of a Scandal : Powerful Men and their #MeToo
The importance of consent is undeniable, it is one of the most important foundations of how we should live as a society. But today, one of the most beautiful social concept designed to allow everybody to live happy and in harmony, is also used ...
Season 1
Episode 12

Ep. 11 | Unorthodox : Wonderful or Terrifying ?
Community can be viewed as a place where important moral values are being taught, a place full of trustworthy relatives, a place where you are safe. But community can also be a burden, hard to carry with you when you want to live and thrive out...
Season 1
Episode 11

Ep. 10 | Stay Close : The Weight of Our Secrets
“If the lie takes the elevator and the truth takes the stairs, the lie will come first. But don't forget the truth is coming.”
Season 1
Episode 10

Ep. 09 | The I-Land : It’s Not the Critics Who Counts…
The I-Land is a show that has a score of 8% on Rotten Tomatoes. But is it really that bad? I don’t think so! But that is just my opinion, and everybody has one…
Season 1
Episode 9

Ep. 08 | I May Destroy You : Consent is Key
When you grow up, your parents, your school and society are teaching you a lot of different things. But for the sake of social etiquette, fear, or discomfort, some very important subjects have been overlooked. One of them being sexual consent…
Season 1
Episode 8

Ep. 07 | Good Omens : Queerbaiting or Nah ?
In a world where the discussion about diversity has never been more present. The complexity of the subject bears another question: is there a good and a bad way to do it? The answer is yes.
Season 1
Episode 7

Ep. 06 | Watchmen : White Supremacy & Fragile Egos
There is a fair amount of shows that utilized storylines of racism. But how many shows made the effort to expose racism as something bigger than simple ignorance? Well apparently only one… This one.
Season 1
Episode 6

Ep. 05 | Behind Her Eyes : What Is Behind Closed Doors…
The reality is, you probably only know what three or four people actually have going on in their lives. Now imagine how little you know about someone you just met. Something you should think about before trusting anyone…
Season 1
Episode 5

Ep. 04 | Clickbait : Everything is Fake
We all know the flip side of social media by now. We are used to the negativity and trolls of all sorts. But what happens when it becomes more than that? Where is the line between disturbing and dangerous?
Season 1
Episode 4
Ep. 03 | It’s A Sin : Story of a Pandemic
La! Remember Covid? Of course you do. That’s all we’ve been talking about for the last two years. However, there is one pandemic that wasn’t talked about enough. On this episode, we dive into a show that is finally putting the spotlight on the ...
Season 1
Episode 3

Ep. 02 | WandaVision : Power & Grief
In reality, we don’t have as much power as we would like to. But what if, like Wanda Maximoff, you did? What would you do, and how far are you willing to go? That is the question we are asking ourselves on this episode.
Season 1
Episode 2